This year we were thrilled to catch up with Rumaysah, a first time coach on the programme who also had the experience of being a student on the coaching programme herself in 2020.
Now working as a solicitor apprentice at the international law firm, Eversheds Sutherland, Rumaysah joined our programme supporting a group of students from Langley Park School for Girls.
Rumaysah told us all about what it’s been like going from a student to a coach and how her experience of being supported on our programme has impacted her to this day.
What was your experience like as a student on the Coaching Programme?
The Future Frontiers programme really helped me identify what I was interested in. I spoke about what A-levels I was taking and what subjects I was interested in (with my coach). I knew that I really liked essay based subjects. I liked debating and I was part of the debating club, so naturally law became a very apparent job route for me.
I often think back to the program when I completed it, and my coach was really inspiring to me. My coach had pursued lots of different fields and tried lots of things out before she found something that she settled with, and it was really inspiring for me to know and remember that you don't have to always decide and think that what you're in currently is going to be forever.

What made you decide to volunteer as a coach with Future Frontiers?
When deciding to be a coach for the Future Frontiers program a couple of things were in my mind. The effect I could have on a student was a big decision maker for me because I really wanted to be part of that process where a student can really see their options and find out what's available to them.
I remember my time at school and not really being sure of what to do and the Future Frontiers program really helped me decide and also see what other options are out there. Sometimes you have a certain viewpoint of what options you have, but really (the programme) shows you that there are so many different things you can do, and you can branch out into anything and move between different fields if you want to as well. Essentially, you don’t know what you don’t know. Being a part of that process to help them find that out was important to me.
Essentially, you don’t know what you don’t know. Being a part of that process to help them find that out was important to me.
My experience has been great. I think it's been a really eye opening experience. It's been really nice to see those AHA moments with the students and see where their brain is telling them to go and what their interests actually show, and how that translates into practical advice and what they can see.
I think my favourite part was to see them by the end of it decide and understand what they want. And, just to know as well that there's so many things out there and essentially they have so much potential. The sky's the limit, and seeing that realisation in them has been a great process to be part of.
What advice would you give to your student now your coaching sessions are complete?
The advice I would give is never be completely sure in one area. Always think critically and think, what are your options no matter what? Until you try something you'll never know if you really do or don't like it. If you've always got your options open and you know what's available to you, you'll never go wrong.
What is your advice to anyone who is thinking of getting involved with the Future Frontiers Programme?
For anyone interested in getting involved with the Future Frontiers program. I would say it's an amazing experience and it's an amazing opportunity to help develop those coaching skills. The Future Frontiers program is a really structured and practical process that will help you really find those skills and learn those skills and really be able to see them, in real life, in real time, with real mentees.
This year’s theme for Social Mobility Day is #ShareMoments. What does Social Mobility mean to you?
Social mobility is something that resonates particularly with me, especially as an apprentice. The Future Frontiers program is an amazing way to help tackle social inequality and help students that are less advantaged than others. I think it's a great way for students to be able to get into and actually find out about roots that they might not necessarily know about.
I only found out about the apprenticeship route as I learned about my options and what was available to me. I did have a plan B option to go to university, but I had my heart set on an apprenticeship. I knew that was what I wanted to do and the Future Frontiers program really helped me to realise that, which is something I wouldn't necessarily know about, without that resource.
Future Frontiers program is an amazing way to help tackle social inequality and help students that are less advantaged than others.
Are you part of a forward-thinking business who is ready to take part in a skills-based volunteering initiative which has a proven impact on the young people involved? Get in touch with us!