Iman is currently in Year 11 and has recently taken part in a 1:1 careers interview with her Future Frontiers Transition Manager. We caught up with her to hear more about her journey on the programme so far and her plans for the future.
At first, when I walked into the business for my coaching sessions in Year 10, it felt a bit weird; I was thinking ‘oh someone’s going to plan my future’, but my coach was really calm about it and helped me understand more about the different ways of reaching my goals.

I want to be a paediatrician and I thought the only way to be a doctor is to do A-levels and then go to uni, but I found out that you can do a nursing course at college and then become a doctor in a slightly different way. I never knew that before.
“My coach helped me understand more about the different ways of reaching my goals”
I think the coaching was really helpful for us all. When Miss told us about the programme we thought ‘no this isn’t going to work’, but then everyone came out of it talking about their jobs and saying they knew what they wanted to do! Everyone seemed boosted and we were all encouraging each other about our plans.

When I came back for Year 11, I was feeling much more confident. My session with Rod, my Transition Manager, was really eye opening because it was the first time I properly went through the requirements for getting into college and sixth form. He went through my grades and it was a more realistic way to look at my options. We even spoke about universities and spoke about which ones I could possibly go to in the future.
“I feel way more confident about school now because I actually know what grades I need to achieve my first choice plan.”
We created two plans, a first choice and a back-up plan. My first choice is to go to a local sixth form and study A-levels and my back up plan is to take a BTEC nursing course which will allow me to get into medicine.
I feel way more confident about school now because I actually know what grades I need to achieve my first choice plan. In the next few months I am going to work as hard as possible to get the results I need. I am also going to create a CV just to be prepared for the future.
Could your students benefit from tailored careers support? Get in touch with our School Partnerships team to find out more.